Chem One Online Support
Chapter 2 There are two types of measurements to consider. Quantitative: A measurement that contains numbers. A property of an object has been measured in some type of standard measuring unit associated with that property. Length of an object is measured
in meters, centimeters, or inches. Temperature of an object is measured
in degrees Celsius or Kelvin. Qualitative: A measurement that does not contain numbers. A property is described in somewhat inexact and general terms which may or may not be relative to some standard of measurement. The model on the cover of the magazine is pretty. (How pretty is she? She is pretty compared to what?) The lighting accentuated the deep blue
color of the glass. (How blue is deep blue?) In Table 2.1 (page 29 of your textbook), you are responsible for knowing
the Unit and Unit Symbol for the following:
In Table 2.2 (page 29 of your textbook), you are responsible
for knowing the name of the prefix, the symbol that stands for each prefix,
and the meaning or each prefix.
Make sure you read the pages assigned. Be sure you can differentiate between Mass and Weight. Although the temperature scale of the SI system is Kelvin degrees, we will deal mainly with degrees Celsius for the time being. E-mail Developer with Comments, Suggestions, or Questions about Web Site |