Instructor: John A. Christoff.     Home

This is my 2nd year of teaching at Orange County High School and the 8th year of my teaching career.  I am presently teaching Mathematics at Orange County High School but I have taught Chemistry in other school systems where I have worked.  I live in Fluvanna County, Virginia.

Although my "virtual" availability for this Online Support Course is essentially 24 hours a day, my physical presence at school usually extends between the hours of 6:45 AM and 4:30 - 5:00 PM.  

Classes end at 3:00 PM. I am available (in person) to answer questions or help with math problems after classes are over.

This year I plan to have a sign-up sheet for after-school tutoring. Since I must be available to a number of students in different courses, I will have to limit tutoring sessions to 1 hour per individual student. Two or more students can participate in a Tutoring session providing all the students are in the same course and need help with the same material.

By the way: Although there may not be a close resemblance to me, this is my grandson, Jonah Matthew. He was about 2 years old at the time of this picture. He is now 7 years old.


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